Thursday, June 13, 2024

Have your computer read to YOU


In an earlier post I described how you can talk to the computer for speech to text in MS Word and Google docs, but you can also have the computer read your text to you (text to speech).

Why would you want to do this?  

There are many possible uses for this, but one use for college students is to have your computer read a paper you are writing to you. It can be beneficial to hear your paper to get another perspective on how it will sound to the reader. It can also be helpful if you are stuck, to listen to the paper and see what should come next; or to hear if the points you are making are in the best possible order; or if you have edits you want to make, etc.

To have MS Word read your document:

Open the document.

Go to the Review menu and select Read Aloud.

You will get play controls. Click the play button to hear your paper!

How can Read Aloud help you?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite tool I use for some of my other college classes while I am working. Instead of listening to music or podcasts, I'll do some of my reading this way instead and is actually really helpful.
